Monday, May 25, 2009


I haven't posted for a while now. I have been swamped at work with a project and way too tired when I come home. But mostly I think I just haven't had anything to say. However, something has been sort of eating away at me lately and I finally have decided to just address it and maybe that will help me deal with it.

I'm a bit bummed out by the clothing choices of my fellow believers. It seems sometimes we "gag at a gnat and swallow a camel", as my mother used to say. We are so against this and that, yet we ignore the Biblical mandate for modesty. I have noticed online there is a community of folks who promote modesty and a few small manufacturers are providing some choices for those of us who do not wish to bare it all. But it is hard work to find them and whats more one cannot try them on before purchasing.

Personally, I'm very tired of spending an entire day shopping and finding nothing appropriate to wear. I have reduced my shopping trips by 90%. For one reason I don't want to spend money, but the second reason is that if I decide to spend money it is going to be on something I really like and is perfect for my body type and testimony! That is just not happening. (and I am NOT an odd body type)

Is there anyone else out there who has a problem with this? Is there any way we can pressure the clothing industry to offer clothing that covers bare shoulders, actually has a neckline (instead of a waistline passing as a neckline)and looks like I remembered to wear the bottom half?

Yes, I know it's possible to pick through it all and put together something that is decent. I've been doing that for years. But I've hit the wall. I want a dress and I do not own one, not because I can't afford it, but because there isn't a modest, classy one in any department store I frequent, unless I want to mortgage my house (and even then I'm not so sure).

Further, it is getting more and more difficult to go out with my teenage son to a public place or event, even at church, and not be embarrassed by the amount of skin and body parts showing everywhere and I'm talking about among fellow believers!

I love to look up to date, pretty and well-groomed. I want to make my husband look good and my children to feel proud of being with their Mom. But I am not willing to sacrifice modesty to look fashionable.

Any thoughts out there?

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