Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We are snowed in. Being snowed in can be such an inconvenience, but it is wonderful in it's own way. It reminds me of a huge, soft blanket that wraps me up and slows me down. It gives me the opportunity to stay home, snuggled up in my fuzzy robe, drinking hot cocoa and spending time with my precious family.

I love it because I don't have to BE anywhere, simply because nobody else can get there either, so the pressure is off. I realize there are some who work at hospitals and clear the roads and for them I am incredibly grateful. But for most of us, nothing is important enough to risk one's life going out in such conditions. I can just be here, in the moment-almost as if there is no tomorrow. Time just slows down and lets me be.

You know, maybe that explains why I have always loved being snowed in! Because it reduces my world to what truly matters. The one thing that counts, when all else is stripped away isn't really the going! It is instead the simple act of BEING!

We get so caught up in the world and it's value systems- power, ownership, pursuit- that we cannot extract ourselves, simply because we have become adjusted to the lack of gravity. But when we are forced to land we become reacquainted with that for which we were created. We were created to BE, to BE in Christ, to Be in the Vine, to BE in love, to BE at peace, to BE there for each other......

The only time Jesus said "GO" was when he was sending someone to spread the Gospel-the Good News. Telling good news is not a burden. I love to spread good news. My adult son won a contest recently and with it a nice check. Believe me, I was on my cell phone texting the good news within seconds! Passing on good news did not require me to shove or push or lie or cheat. It wasn't about going anywhere or getting ahead or getting my share. So no ruthless tactics were needed. It was just good news and I was just passing it along to share the joy!

There's a lesson here. Maybe more than one. But what I get from it all is that I need to be watchful. When the world revs back up again, when we all dig out and things begin to spin again, I need a reference point. One that will warn me when I am spinning out of control. I need to remember what I learned during the snow storm. What matters most is being and sharing the Good News. If I catch myself pushing the lines of honesty, or rushing to the point of rudeness, or tempted to cheat because I'm afraid of losing ownership-these are signs-very large neon signs-flashing in my face signs-that I am spinning way too fast and it is time to hook my tether line to the unmovable, unchangeable, Master of the Universe. I must anchor myself to the Rock lest I be swept away.

Is it possible to just BE in this mad world? Well, the only one I know who accomplished it fully is Jesus Christ. So I for one intend to go with the expert on this. I may want to stop the world and get off sometimes, but we all know that isn't possible. However, I know the One who holds the world in the palm of His hand and if I learn His language, my words will be wise; if I walk with Him, my goings and comings will be purposeful and unhurried; if I trust His providence, my grasping and reaching will fall by the wayside and if I rest at His feet I will not grow weary, because every day will feel like a deep, peaceful snow blanket that wraps me up and comforts me with the peace of Being in Christ.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just learning

Hello, again, I'm just learning about this blogging thing. I am well past 40, so technology is a second language to me, but I am getting the hang of it. I am raising the last 2 children of several and I have grandchildren as well, so there is quite a mix of worlds for me. I homeschool one of 2 teenagers and teach school full time. So I stay busy.

I love the Lord, I love my family and I love to write,'s time to start. I will be holding forth from time to time on whatever comes into my head and heart. Maybe no one will ever want to read it and maybe they will. But my hope is that whoever reads will firstly be pointed to Jesus Christ and secondly be encouraged to live another day with joy and hope!